Friday, April 4, 2014

Movie Poster

For this week's project, we decided to focus on designing a movie poster.  The movies that we can pick have to be made before 1970.  I struggled with this at first because it was hard for me to make a movie poster into a contemporary version.  We choose to view Saul Bass's designs of movie posters to base our inspiration. it was difficult to decide what was the most important factors of the movie.  After many failed attempts, i decided that Scarlett and  Rhett has to be the main center pieces of the design.  I put Rhett in all black because he was considered a scary figure to most people and that he's a mystery.  No one really knew a lot about him, just rumors.  As for scarlet, i put her in the green dress that her mami made her at the families lowest point so that they can get money.  it's also considered the turning point of the movie.  The dress is green because Scarlet is a envious person that always pursues money.  The background is red because the setting of the movie is during the Civil War, which is bloody and destroys many people's lives.

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